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Hello, World!

#!/usr/bin/env perl

print "Hello, World!\n";


Over and over again I find myself flirting with various ideas for how to keep a digital notebook, journal, or blog; really just a corner of the internet where I can put words, both for myself and for other people to read or not as they see fit. To this day I still haven't found a way to do any of those things that really resonates with me and sticks for more than a few months at a time.

Is it a lack of creative inspiration? Is it the thrill of trying umpteen new ways to do a thing? Am I just scared everyone is going to laugh at me? Probably a little bit of all of those things.

Social media has become increasingly fraught these days, and I'm at tolerance with trying to fit myself into every other platform's box and not finding one that resonates with me.

In the interest of finding some sort of solution to the all of this, I found myself wandering about an internet rabbit hole, looking for inspriation. I happened to wander into Maggie Appleton's essay on the history & ethos of digital gardening, which then led me to the IndieWeb.

"Hey!" I thought. "Here's an idea I can get behind."

As you may have guessed from the opening of this post, I am conversant in software development. Primarily, I'm a perl programmer; I also belive that once one understands the basics of procedural and/or object oriented programming, learning a new way to do either of those things is trivial on the surface.

On the surface, anyway. 😉 One would also think, given that belief, that throwing together a decent website would be simple enough task for me. However, having served as volunteer webperson for the Phi Sigma Rho Foundation for many years and having taken a shot once or twice at putting together a personal website, it's just been more spoons than I've had on hand at any given time.

But hey, I like a challenge, right? So I explored IndieWeb's Getting Started page to see what fresh hell I could get myself into, and here I am!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Let's see where this thing goes.